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Author: 原創(chuàng) Browse: 2866 times Release date: 2021-07-06
Information summary:

The manual electroplating line is actually operated manually. The in and out of the tank are all operated by humans. It is possible to make a small amount of detailed parts with higher regulations, but the efficiency of large quantities of work is low and it is manipulated by humans. It is more inconvenient to trace the problem. Fully automatic rack plating production line.

??The automatic electroplating line is started by the equipment according to the programmed procedure, the whole process is unified, suitable for mass production, and high efficiency. But for some detailed parts with special requirements, the automatic line is not as convenient and executable as the manual line. Fully automatic rack plating production line.

??All in all, the automatic line is suitable for mass production with perfect processing technology, and the manual line is suitable for the production of parts that are not easy to produce on the automatic line with more detailed regulations. Fully automatic rack plating production line.


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